The Gated Canal Community Radio Show - February 2019
Before Reform Radio opened it’s (very lovely) new studio in March 2019, we did a few mixes - this was the second, focusing on tracks over 10 minutes. GCC Present Weird Long Sounds.
1. GCC Ident (feat, Sone Institute)
2. Thomas Ragsdale - Silence
3. Impulse Array - Distant Waves Emission
4. Spaceship - La Bugue
5. Dunning & Underwood - Trapped in a Walled Garden
6. Fred und Luna - Angeln ohne Schnur ist super
7. Simple Sineman - Wonder 1
8. Quartersized - Pubbing for Jesus
9. Cahn Ingold Prelog - Make Vaalbara Great Again
10. Ocean Floor - The World of Rain (Part 2)
11. Wound - Heavy Breaths
12. Petridisch - Live @ Dorchester Art Project 11-3-18